- We value cooperation and collaboration with family caregivers, in-place caregivers, professionals and informal support systems
- We respect the price-conscious values of our many Depression-era clients and strive to provide cost-effective options
- We recognize that families take many forms and we are respectful of blended families and same-sex couples
- We believe strongly in the value of flexibility, tolerance and particularly, humor!
- North Bay Eldercare Options adheres to the National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers Pledge of Ethics > and Standards of Practice >
Our Promise To You
Caring for our parents or our loved ones in advanced age can be one of the most rewarding, yet stressful undertakings of our lives. Whether you are peripherally involved or a full-time caregiver, North Bay Eldercare Options offers non-judgmental support tailored to your unique situation.
- We accept no referral fees and have no conflicts of interest, as our services are not tied to homecare. Our independence assures you that you will not pay for more care-giving hours than you need, be charged for care management you dont need, or be recommended to a facility that is not appropriate. Our recommendations are based solely on quality, reputation and suitability.
- We return phone calls and emails promptly. We offer 24-hour emergency availability, 365 days a year.
- Our commitment to ongoing professional training assures you that North Bay Eldercare Options is abreast of the latest developments in chronic disease management, dementia care, Medicare regulations, and many other issues pertaining to aging adults.
- We are deeply rooted in the North Bay, and we continue to volunteer with and support community organizations that work to improve the lives of North Bay seniors.
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