In the mid 90s, while exploring which area of elder advocacy to which she wanted to dedicate herself, Michele became aware of an unfilled need in North Bay communities. She saw many families struggle with caring for elderly family members while trying to navigate inadequate and fragmented community and health care services. While families wanted the best care for their loved ones, the quality of care available and the lack of oversight and coordination resulted in many heartbreaking scenarios.
In 2003 she founded North Bay Eldercare Options to provide high quality, personalized care management services to busy adult children and long distance caregivers, offering a full range of services and freeing family members to enjoy quality time with their aging loved ones.
With years of home care coordination and formal education in gerontology (including an advanced degree emphasizing Geriatric Care Management and hundreds of hours of specialized training in aging issues), Michele is well equipped to identify and address the complex problems that face families while caring for their elderly relatives.
Michele brings together her passion, her education, her training and her experience to serve North Bay elders and the family members and professionals who care for them. North Bay Eldercare Options collaborates with Geriatric RN, Geriatric Social Workers and the best professional caregivers in the North Bay.
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